Self-help recovery I
...before installation
You can read how to easily find out what to buy and what mistakes not to make when installing a central recovery system in the following lines.
If you are thinking about ventilating your house with a passive heat recovery unit (without a heat pump), the layout of your house allows for a flexible distribution system, you are a skilled person and you have the time and desire to learn something new, then the installation of heat recovery pipes should not be too difficult for you.
Even so, you can make a lot of fatal mistakes that can cost you a lot of problems in the future. To avoid them, we recommend the following procedure:
1) Study our website, especially read the articles from our advice center and get an idea of what you actually expect from ventilation with recuperation. Think about what is realistic from the point of view of the layout of your house - we recommend this already in the design phase of a new family home.
Most clients are first interested in recovery units. Paradoxically, however, it is often much more important to correctly solve the routes and distribution of pipelines.
There are already many quality manufacturers of recuperation units on the market, but if they are connected to a malfunctioning air distribution system, then you have no chance of success with the best unit.
You also need to make up your mind about the air conditioning solution in your home. Whether yes or no and how we write in this separate article .
It is also good to choose a hood solution concept - article here .
2) Contact us (you don't have to call), just send the documents for processing the proposal by e-mail, which we will create for you free of charge.
Attach the drawing documentation to the e-mail (plans, sections, construction compositions,...) + Your ideas about where the wiring should go, where the unit should be and what it should be able to do.
3) Wait for our distribution sketch with the basic characteristics of the material and the proposal for the location of a suitable recuperation unit (usually max. 14 days).
4) Study what has been sent, prepare your questions and ideally call our technician, who will go over all the necessary details with you.
(If the sent proposal is not sufficiently detailed, you want to have a better basis for installation or you need a project for construction management or a subsidy program (e.g. New Green Savings ), etc., then in the next step we will process the Air Conditioning Project . We offer authorized project documentation at all levels. We will tell you the price of the recovery project individually based on the scope of the project.
5) After any modification of the design (development of the project), we will prepare a price offer for the first phase of the installation - i.e. we will make an inventory of the material you will need for the installation of the recuperation distributions at the stage when the rough construction is finished and closed (windows, doors).
Go through all the materials in our e-shop, think about and measure (if available) the quantity and order.
6) After receiving the material, always consider whether it is clear to you how to connect everything, seal it, etc.
If not, study the product data sheets and, if necessary, call our technician again. Most do-it-yourself installations take place outside of our working hours and it's silly to wait for a response from Friday afternoon to Monday when you've set aside the entire weekend for installation.
You can find our advice on the assembly itself in the article:
Self-help recovery II. not to make a mistake during assembly